
The Show Must Go On

So although Philadelphia had a blizard yesterday, Oliver performances went on as scheduled! We were told at the parent meeting a while back, that the Walnut Street Theatre has never canceled a performance.The theatre booked hotel rooms for all of the children and their families downtown for Friday night and Saturday night so that they would not miss any performances. Art spent the day down there with Will. For dinner lots of the kids and their families went together to the Marathon Grill, and then walked to Washington Square Park at 6th and Walnut to enjoy the snow...and have a little fun! Thanks to a parent for taking these pics!

Washington Square Park

So pretty...

Fitting in some fun between shows!

Yes, that is Will with NO gloves! YIKES!!

These kids are having the time of their life!!

The snow was really coming down...it didn't bother the kids one bit!!

Posing for another picture before going back in to do another show!



Sam (oliver) Will, Reese and Danielle waiting to enter the theatre

Lining up in the Green Room

Julyza and Seth and Favian waiting to enter

Reese, Will and Justin showing off their dressing room decorated for the holidays!

The girls...in their nice, neat dressing room( unlike the boys)

Hanging out playing Nintendo in the dressing room between scenes

Will...my STAR!!!

Will at his space in the dressing room!

More Nintendo DS in between scenes...it keeps them quiet!!!

Favian, Justin, Tyler and Reese enjoying their down time!

Off to the stage!