
Wrapping It Up

So we are very close to the closing show! I can't beleive it! It feels like Will just auditioned yesterday. He is seriously having the experience of a lifetime. I have to tell you...so many wonderful experinences, too many wonderful experiences that it is hard to document it all!

Mom: Will, what has been going on at Oliver these days?
Will: Lots of stuff.
Mom: Like what?
Will: I went to Marathon Grill with all of the kids.
Mom: What is Marathon Grill?
Will: It's a restaraunt that has good food like Banana French Toast and Chocolate Moose.
Mom: Do you like going there?
Will: yeah
Mom: Did the theatre do anything special for the holidays?
Will: No, well we all got a Visa gift card. We were on television on Chrsitmas Day singing Food Glorious Food.
Mom: Well, that is special.
Mom: What about during the big snow storm. Was there still shows?
Will: Yes, but there was not a lot of people there. At one show there was only 142 people there and the theatre has 1000 seats!
Mom: How did it feel to perform for a small audience?
Will: The same. The audience still looked the same from the stage.
Mom: What have you and your friends been up to?
Will: Playing DS Download on our DS's.
Mom: Tell me about some of your friends.
Will: They are funny...like Alex and Favian.
Mom: Who do you think you play with the most?
Will: Justin, Alex, Favian, Reese and Tyler
Mom: When do you have time to do all of the playing?
Will: During the second act because we aren't in any of the second act. Only the kids in "Who Will Buy" and Oliver and Dodger are in the second act.
Mom: Have a lot of people come to see you in the play?
Will: Yes, some people I don't even know came!
Mom: Didn't Reese share some cool news with you?
Will: Yes, he auditioned for the National tour of Beauty and the Beast and got the part of Chip.
Mom: What does National tour mean?
Will: It means he will go all around the country doing the play.
Mom: We'll have to try to go and see it.
Mom: What has been the best thing about being in Oliver so far?
Will: Doing all of ther performances.
Mom: You mean to tell me you don't get tired on the weekends when you have to do 5 performances?
Will: Nope
Mom: You know next week is the last weekend!
Will: NOOOOO!!
Mom: Are you going to miss it?
Will: Yes, and I still don't know if we are going to have a Last Night party like we had an Opening Night party.
Mom: How is Buddy the Dog?
Will: Good. They made T Shirts with a picture of him on it and sell them at the gift shop.
Mom: Who is your favorite adult actor in the play?
Will: Hugh...he plays Fagan.
Mom: Why Hugh?
Will: Because we spend the most time with him in the show, and he is really fun to act with, and he hangs out with us in the Green Room sometimes.
Mom: What's going to happen when it is all over next week?
Will: Ummm...I don't know. Wait...ummm.. we are probably going to have a party. I will be sad because I really like doing the shows.
Mom: Would you want to be in another big show?
Will: Yes!